Specialto The PREVIEW
Is there a story behind that pendant you inherited from your grandmother?
Is there something special about the pin you wear every Christmas?
These memorable accessories could win you a prize at the Seeds of Learning Little Black Dress Affair.
On Oct. 5, we will share these wonderful stories as part of our “Glitter in Your Life” competition. With a $25 donation you can submit a photo of an accessory you love and the story behind why it is special to you. The guests at this year’s “All That Glitters” event will vote on the best story and you could win a lovely prize
Joan and Malcolm Rodger have matching, custom-made wedding bands whose woven rope design represents Malcolm, Joan and the girls blending their lives together. Four years ago Malcolm carefully removed his ring to play golf, but found the ring was missing from the golf bag pocket when he finished. A thorough search was in vain. After a year, Malcolm contacted Summer Phillips, local goldsmith, to attempt to have the ring reproduced. Upon seeing the ring’s unique design she remembered the pawnshop owner bringing her a similar ring with gold items he was planning to have melted down for cash. The ring was returned, along with the information that the ring could not have been reproduced. To this day, the Rodgers believe God was at work in getting the ring that meant so much back to Malcolm.
If you have a story to tell, please send it, along with a photo and $25 entry, to Seeds of Learning at P.O Box 5831, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. Your donation will help Seeds continue to educate our Pagosa preschool children and you will have an opportunity to share your wonderful story as Joan Rodger has done.
For information, or with questions, contact Dee McPeek, event coordinator, at 731-9114.