On Tuesday, Oct. 20, the Archuleta School District (ASD) Board of Education held a special meeting to hear a presentation on energy performance from Honeywell Building Solutions and the Colorado Energy Office.
In June of 2012, ASD agreed to pursue the drafting of a $1.5 million energy performance contract with Honeywell in order to retrofit schools with various energy-saving features and upgrade existing structures.
The contract included a written guarantee that the money saved by upgrades would fully finance the improvements.
The negotiations with Honeywell came on the heels of a failed bond initiative the previous fall for the construction of new schools.
The 15-year contract went into effect June 29, 2012. The contract was based on a technical energy audit (TEA) that was submitted by Honeywell on June 12, 2012.
The TEA identified how the buildings could be made more energy efficient, through everything from expanded geothermal energy to occupancy sensors installed on vending machines.
The energy-conservation measures are listed in the report as: lighting, energy management system, computer power management, variable frequency drives, vending machine setbacks and building envelope improvements.
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