David Hamilton, assistant superintendent, presented standardized test results to the Archuleta School District (ASD) board at this month’s meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 9.
The results were from a variety of standardized assessments, including the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA).
Fall 2014 NWEA math results show the first through ninth grades are below the national average. Kindergarten met the average, while 10th grade surpassed it.
NWEA reading scores for grades kindergarten through 10th show results flip-flopping just below or just above the national average.
Both grades nine and 10 bettered the national average in science in the NWEA assessment.
Over a three-year period from 2012 to 2014, the majority of reading scores for students in grades four through 10 showed an improvement over the national average.
In a similar study, ASD math scores bettered the national average in seven out of seven grades included in the assessment (grades four through 10) when evaluated over a three-year period.
Also noteworthy, ASD had a 100-percent completion rate for the social studies and science exams that are part of the Colorado Measures of Academic Success assessment.
In other business at the meeting:
• Elementary, middle and high school faculty made a presentation about their collaborative efforts to combat school bullying. Their approach entails character development, distinguishing between normal conflict and disagreements versus bullying, and asking questions on how to address cyber bullying. For more information on this presentation, see future issues of The SUN.
• Becky Gillette from the Four Mile Ranch Environmental Education helped third-graders Lucy Taylor and Trey Garcia present what they learned about water with their rendition of the “Water Cycle Boogie.”
• The board approved the use of Pirate Hill as a practice site for the Wolf Creek Ski Team. Additional discussion on the matter is expected to take place at a meeting on Dec. 18 at 5 p.m. at the Pagosa Springs Youth Center.