By Casey Crow
Special to The SUN
I recently graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, closing an important chapter of my life. As I boarded my last flight from Dallas to Durango, preparing to spend my summer in Pagosa for the first time in four years, I couldn’t help but reflect on all that changed since I left these stunning mountains, the things that remained the same, and what I carried back with me.
I embarked on my educational journey at Carolina with a passion for justice, not yet fully understanding the nuances and complexities of this concept, and with an interest in international human rights. As a double major in political science and global studies, my education and personal transformation was defined most by my experiences outside our borders.
I was once asked to describe my time abroad in 1,000 words or less, and I just laughed because 20 plus countries, five continents and seven host families don’t fit so well in 1,000 words or less.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.