San Juan Stargazers to meet at Pine Ridge


By Joan Mieritz

Special to The PREVIEW

The regular meeting of the San Juan Stargazers will be on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m. at Pine Ridge Extended Care Center, 119 Bastille Dr. Stargazers serve our community in the area of astronomy education.

Our topic of study will be the moon, its importance to life on Earth and its significance to the ancient people at Chimney Rock. Jerry Granok and Joan Mieritz will present the program, which includes a fascinating video telling how different the earth would be without the moon.

After the program, we will be able to stay inside and view the moon with a small, but powerful telescope owned by Rick Bellows.

Light refreshments will be served. In case of inclement weather, we have a backup date of Thursday, March 20.

We will also go over plans for our Feb. 20 meeting, which will be held at the Chamber of Commerce and Ron Sutcliffe will tell in great detail about the last lunar standstill at Chimney Rock.

The San Juan Stargazers is part of the Astronomical League, which includes clubs from all over the United States. Visit our website,, e-mail or call 335-8286 for more information.

Anyone interested in learning more about astronomy is invited to attend. A special invitation is extended to senior citizens.