Special to The PREVIEW
On Saturday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., San Juan Flyers (SJF) is hosting an open house at its hangar located just south of the main airport terminal (Avjet, at the end of Cloman Boulevard, off of Piedra Road).
The purpose for this event is to showcase our aviation programs and bring awareness of what SJF has to offer to our surrounding communities. We want prospective members to see what SJF has to offer.
SJF has been giving Pagosa Springs’ pilots the flying experience they want at a price they can afford. This flying club is a nonprofit alternative to sole aircraft ownership and aircraft rental with two single engine airplanes and its own hangar. The club also has three certified flight instructors and is able to offer both great training and convenient flying experiences into and out of Stevens Field.
See what adventure is in store for you. Sit in the pilot’s seat of one of SJF’s two training aircraft and put your hands on the controls of a general aviation aircraft. You will also learn more about upcoming events.
Due to airport security, special procedures will be in place. If you wish to attend the open house, you must RSVP and reserve your spot. An SJF representative will meet you in the Avjet building and escort you to the SJF hangar and aircraft. No one will be allowed on the airport ramp without an escort.
To RSVP, you may either e-mail sanjuanflyer@gmail.com or call 731-3348. Please leave a message with your name, phone number, the number of people and time you plan to attend the open house.