Last Wednesday we had just sent the paper to the press when a deluge of rain and hail hit downtown Pagosa Springs.
In no time at all, the water was rushing up over the curbs and onto the sidewalk in front of The SUN building on Pagosa Street.
Strangers became friends as a tourist sought shelter from the storm inside of our office after I told him he had loitered for too long under the overhang on the front of the building and suggested he come inside. Other shoppers along Pagosa Street found similar shelter inside local stores along the way.
When the storm subsided, mud, leaves and other debris covered the sidewalks and the streets.
Early the next morning, the street sweeper was at work cleaning up the mess. It wasn’t even 8 a.m. when Larry Beverley, with the town parks department, came along cleaning the dirt and debris off of the sidewalks with a gas-powered blower. My only complaint was that he didn’t stop and wash the windows along the way.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.