Special to The PREVIEW
It’s Relay for Life sponsorship signup time in Pagosa. The American Cancer Society will gather its sponsors and supporters in Archuleta County once again this year to remembers our friends and family members who have had cancer, to celebrate the lives of those lost as well as those who have survived, and to fight back in the effort to combat this dreaded disease.
The community has been extremely supportive in the past, and we are asking for that support once again. We need sponsors for this event. Sponsorship entitles you to a poster on the track at the Pagosa Springs High School where the Relay takes place on Friday, June 20, beginning at 6 p.m. You do not have to be a business to be a sponsor. Individuals are also welcome.
For further information, please contact the sponsorship chairman, Stan Zuege, at stan@gallesproperties.com or 264-1250, or the general chairman, Rod Proffitt, at planatlaw@yahoo.com or 903-9314.
Remember … celebrate … fight back.