Special to The PREVIEW
Mark your calendar for Monday, April 20, at 6 p.m. at The Springs Resort for the next Relay For Life team meeting. We will be talking fundraising, the survivor party, event details and our plans for a Renaissance pre-relay event.
We don’t face cancer alone and neither should you. We come together every year at more than 5,200 community Relay For Life events around the country and celebrate those individuals who are winning the fight. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement is the world’s largest support group for survivors and their caregivers.
Whether you’re a survivor or caregiver, getting involved in your Archuleta County Relay For Life event can introduce you to others who are facing the same challenges and provide opportunities for learning, sharing and friendship.
Given that Relay is about survivors, we still need to have survivors sign up. During the Survivors Lap, all cancer survivors at the event take the first lap around the track, celebrating their victory over cancer while being cheered on by the other participants lining the track.
Relay For Life events also recognize and celebrate caregivers, who give time, love and support to their friends, family, neighbors and co-workers facing cancer.
Pagosa Springs cancer survivors will kick off the Archuleta County Relay For Life at noon on June 13 with the official Survivors Lap, then the rest of the participants will join the fun.
A survivor/caregiver party is being planned for about one week prior to the Relay to celebrate and remember. Come to the April 20 meeting and share your ideas for this event.
Please sign up to join Relay for Life at www.archuletarelay.org or contact 2015 Event Lead Paul Lehmann at 407-0345 or Deb Jennings at (720) 563-1519. We look forward to meeting you at the next meeting on Monday, April 20, at 6 p.m. in the EcoLux conference room at The Springs Resort.
Get well — stay well.