Public Notice

(Media Release)
Sherri Boyce - Assessor
P O Box 28

Lake City, CO 81235
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (970) 944-2225 ext. 140
For tax years 2023 and 2024, the county assessor is required by law to appraise all real property at a June 30, 2022 level of value. Notices of Valuation reflecting the 2024 values will be sent to owners of real property by May 1. The information used by the assessor to value your property is available for your review.
From May 2 through June 10, owners of real property may protest the value or the classification established by the assessor. This protest period provides an opportunity for taxpayers to inform the assessor of errors in classification, property description, or other discrepancies that may result in a reduction in value or a change in classification.
Protests to the assessor must be postmarked or presented in person on or before June 10. The assessor must make a decision concerning your protest and mail you a written Notice of Determination on or before the last working day in June.

For protests of values on rent producing commercial real property, taxpayers must submit, two full years of rental income data, two full years of tenant reimbursement data, two years of itemized expenses and two full years of rent roll data on or before July 15. For further information, please contact your county assessor’s office.) If you are satisfied with the assessor’s determination, the tax bill you receive next January will be based on the value and classification reflected on the Notice of Determination.
If you disagree with the assessor's decision, you may file an appeal with the county board of equalization. An appeal to the county board of equalization must be postmarked or hand-delivered no later than July 15. The county board will notify you by mail of the hearing date, time, and place where you may present evidence to substantiate your case. Evidence includes documentation such as the sale prices of properties similar to yours that sold between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. The county board will conclude hearings and render decisions by the close of business on August 7. The county board must mail you a decision within five business days of the date of its decision. If you are satisfied with the county board’s decision, the tax bill you receive next January will be based on the valuation and classification reflected in the county board’s decision.
If you disagree with the action of the county board, you may file an appeal with the State Board of Assessment Appeals or the district court, or you may request a binding arbitration hearing. Your appeal must be made within 30 days of the date of the county board’s mailed decision.
For additional information regarding the protest and appeal process, contact your county assessor at (970)944-2225 ext. 140.
Published April 11, 2024 in The Pagosa Springs SUN. (233344)