By Muriel Eason
Special to The SUN
Area residents are invited to attend an open community meeting Tuesday, July 23, at 6 p.m. at the Ross Aragon Community Center Gymnasium to review plans for a proposed Town of Pagosa Springs Community Recreation Center.
Community dialogue, input and feedback is invited and welcome.
A Recreation Center Task Force, led by town council member Kathie Lattin and including Tom Carosello (town Parks and Recreation Department), local businessman Mark Weiler, Christine Funk of the Friends of Reservoir Hill, and Muriel Eason of the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation, has been exploring the feasibility of moving forward with plans for a recreation center. In 2007, there was a measure of public support for a project, but the town was not in a position to move forward with funding. Some area residents believe the town is now in a stronger financial position and that new funding possibilities exist.
A representative of Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture will present an overview of the feasibility study done in 2007, which included architectural renderings, note of public input, research on costs and features, and demographic projections. Current research into financing mechanisms and information on possibilities will also be shared at the meeting.