Pipeline project hits a snag


While the Pagosa Springs Sanitation General Improvement District continues to struggle with issues surrounding its sewage, recent events have only contributed to the muddied waters, so to speak.

“The current WWTP (waste water treatment plant, or the lagoons) are not at capacity,” said former PSSGID director Phil Stark, correcting an earlier SUN report, “not even close. They fail to remove ammonia in the winter time temperatures. In my zeal to stop excess water from entering the collection system I removed 40,000 GPD (gallons per day) of geothermal water from entering the treatment plant. That maybe could have kept the plant from violating during the winter months. Now, with higher effluent qualities required by the State, it needs a new facility.”

The full version of this story is available in the print edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100.