Pierce announces candidacy for mayor


Staff Writer

Shari Pierce Shari Pierce

Shari Pierce has announced her intention to run for mayor of the Town of Pagosa Springs.

Pierce has lived in Archuleta County since 1974 and has been an active community member during her 40 years here.

Pierce served on the town council from 2008 until 2012. During that time, she served on various committees including salary, medical marijuana, employee manual and capital improvements, and she worked to gain funding which allowed the skate park to be constructed in Yamaguchi Park.

Additionally, Pierce has served on the town’s historic preservation board, citizen’s advisory committee for the town’s comprehensive plan, steering committee for the downtown master plan, among others.

“I want our community to be the best it can be and I want to play a role in making it the best I can,” Pierce stated.

If elected, Pierce “would like the council members to move down from the dais and put their chairs nearer to the community members they serve” during meetings.

“For many reasons there is a rift in our community and the chasm between the council and the audience during meetings is a metaphor for what is going on,” Pierce stated. “I want to lead the council to better the relationship with the community.”

Pierce intends to make understanding the town’s financial situation and budget a top priority for the council.

The biggest challenge Pierce anticipates facing if elected, “would be building my confidence and trust in the current town manager.”
