PAWSD continues work on sewer line project


Staff Writer

Directors of the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District Tuesday discussed the consideration of the bidding format for the proposed seven-mile sewer line from the town of Pagosa Springs to the PAWSD main campus.

During its consideration, the board analyzed both lump sum bids and unit cost bids to determine the bidding route to take with the contractors.

“The only lump sums will be the lift stations, that’s because we can quantify the lift stations, we have a building of a certain size, we have a rock at a certain depth. It’s very specific,” said PAWSD operations manager Gregg Mayo. He explained to the board, “the deal with the pipeline alignments, it’s a linear project and things change.”

“Our belief that you couldn’t secure good lump sum bids and our desire to go with unit pricing doesn’t have anything to do with our confidence in our plans,” engineer Jeff Schamberg explained, “we feel very comfortable with the plans that are turning out.”

Schamberg then went on to explain to the board that, “our recommendation to you all is to use unit-priced basis on linear work. In general, this project is a seven and a half mile project, but our recommendation would probably be the same for a one thousand foot project.”

The board unanimously voted that lift stations would be paid through lump sum payments while the design bid format for the seven-mile sewer line will be paid for through unit cost.

Other considerations at the meeting were:

• Consideration of the bidding format for the water line from Meadows subdivision to the town of Pagosa Springs. The discussion concerned a five-mile project that will be bid as an addition to the seven and a half mile project. The board considered both lump sum bids and unit cost bids for this project.

Concern with the five-mile project dealt with the width of the trench used for the water line. Director Mike Church explained his concern with the trench was that it would not be wide enough. This, he claimed, would mean there would have to be extra blasting.

Schamberg explained that the project is cheaper than a second trench would be if constructed three years down the road.

The motion passed with a vote of 3-2. Both Church and Glenn Walsh voted “no” on the project.

• The board denied authorization of a capital project for a sewage receiving station with the cost of $73,292 with Roy Vega, Walsh and Church voting “no.”

Payment for the sewage receiving station came at a cost of $73,292.43, from Municipal Equipment.

Walsh described the project as “highly optional.” He explained that, while this was an excellent project to consider for the following year, it is, in his opinion, more of a long-term project than short term.

Vega explained to the board that, “we’ve been without it for a long time, we could easily go without it another year.”

The board did, however, allow the staff manager to proceed with construction of a concrete pad at the facility, with cost not to exceed $15,000. It is a capital improvement that provides more sanitary dumping areas.

• The board authorized the San Juan backwash excavation and liner with an estimated cost of $66,235, allowing staff to proceed with the project.

The excavation will combine two ponds that are filled with vegetation, clean the site, create a larger pond and line it with the new liner. This liner will allow the ponds to operate efficiently, and at the same time stop the migration of water under the PAWSD office and surrounding lands.

The motion passed with a unanimous “yes.”

• The board accepted a pipeline inspection trailer purchase quoted by Cues at $88,900.

The unit will work year-round and will pay for itself in less than one year of contracted service.