The board of directors of the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District will hold a regular meeting and public hearing at 2 and 2:30 p.m. respectively on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 100 Lyn Ave.
The agenda is as follows:
Call to order.
Approval of consent agenda:
• Minutes.
• Water loss update.
• Investment report.
Public comment.
Public hearing: Burnett and Toland inclusion.
Reconsideration of authorization to bid 12-inch water line from Meadows Subdivision to District 2.
Consideration of repeal of Ballot Issue No. 5A.
Consideration of revision to PAWSD bylaws forbidding issue of revenue bonds without majority approval of voters.
Consideration of resolution approving amendment to investment policy.
Consideration of Draft Final 2013 Rate Study.
Consideration of audit engagement and audit process for 2013.
Any other business brought before the board will be duly considered.