By Linda Parker
Special to The PREVIEW
Come join the Pagosa Springs Girls Choir tonight for a wonderful holiday treat as the Pagosa Springs Girls Choir present its holiday concert, “Christmas at the Movies.” The concert is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Community United Methodist Church.
Presenting favorite music from Christmas movies, the Girls Choir will be joined by Beth Filiowich, featured soloist. Filiowich will delight the Pagosa community with traditional carols and will also sing with the Girls Choir. Also on hand will be the choir’s vocal coaches, Darcy DeGuise and Jeanette Hill.
The Girls Choir will be offering Rocky Mountain Chocolate bars for purchase to help fund its summer educational trip scheduled for August.
Please join us tonight and support these outstanding young musicians for “Christmas at the Movies” at the Community United Methodist Church beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is free, but your donations will be gratefully accepted.