By Isabelle Emerson
Special to The SUN
At the March 7 meeting of the San Juan Outdoor Club, David Hunter will present a brief talk, including photos, on the Coyote Buttes areas in southern Utah/northern Arizona, including Coyote Buttes North (The Wave), Coyote Buttes South and White Pocket.
The Coyote Buttes areas are accessed only through a BLM permit system and, in particular, The Wave Permit is available only via a lottery system permit procedure.
The Wave is a world-famous area and has been included in a world edition of one of the books “1000 Places to See Before You Die,” and photos graced the cover of the Rand-McNally Road Atlas a few years ago.
These extremely beautiful areas are a photographer’s dream and attract visitors from all over the world. The BLM allows only 20 visitors per day to visit.
Hunter’s presentation will include photos, along with information for seeing these natural beauties.
The SJOC meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. March 7 at the Pagosa Lakes Clubhouse, 230 Port Ave. The meeting is open to the public.
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