By Laura Ricky
Special to The PREVIEW
Women Helping in Pagosa Springs (WHIPS) will hold its monthly luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, at the Riff Raff Brewing Co.
The theme will be Halloween and costumes are encouraged.
Organized and run by Cindy Gustafson, WHIPS is a voluntary group that meets monthly and collects and donates cash to community members in need. The meeting is an informal and friendly gathering which last month involved more than 70 women.
Lunch is $10 and during the meeting an envelope is passed around. Money collected is donated to community members in need and there is also a scholarship fund for needy students.
This is a wonderful way to connect with community-spirited neighbors and there is no pressure or obligation to donate.
Drop-ins are welcome, although it does help the venue when they know approximately how many will be attending. If you would like to participate, contact Cindy at 731-2105.
For further information, visit the website at and the Facebook page: WHIPS-Women Helping In Pagosa Springs.