Gerald “Jerry” Thomas Bolos, 63, died Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2013, in Pagosa Springs, Colo.
Jerry succumbed to stage 4 cancer, which was throughout his body. Mr. Bolos was born Nov. 5, 1949, in Superior, Wis., to George and Violet Bolos. Jerry graduated from Superior Senior High in 1967. Jerry and Barbara were married in 1968 and celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Aug. 10, 2013. He and his wife, Barbara, moved to Pagosa Springs with their two eldest sons, Joshua and Christopher, in 1985; shortly after, their daughter, Alinea, and youngest son, Jonathan, were born. Mr. Bolos was the owner/operator of Jerry’s Gas Appliance Service, which he started in the fall of 1993 with his wife as his administrative assistant. All of his sons had worked with him at some point in his career, including his son-in-law Matthew.
In his spare time, Jerry was an avid motorcycle enthusiast, spreading his love and knowledge of everything motorcycle. He was also a rock hound, loved history and science, golf and anything to do with guns. Mr. Bolos was an active member in the NRA and AMA. Jerry always had a joke and a smile ready, an answer to a question, a kind word to say and a hug if you needed it.
Mr. Bolos was preceded in death by his eldest son, Joshua James Bolos; his father, George Bolos; and beloved corgi dog, Draco. Surviving family members include his wife, Barbara Bolos, of Pagosa Springs; his son, Chris Bolos, of Moab, Utah; his daughter, Alinea Zimmerman and son-in-law Matthew Zimmerman of Durango, Colo.; his youngest son, Jon Bolos, of Pagosa Springd; his sister, Bea Harris, of Bartlesville, Okla.; his two older brothers, Roger and Donald Bolos of South Range, Wis.; daughter-in-law Stacey Stewart of Bayfield, Colo., wife of deceased son Joshua; seven grandchildren and numerous friends and family.
The family will be having a celebration of his life at the PLPOA Clubhouse, 230 Port Ave., Pagosa Springs, from 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 24, 2013. The family requests you bring an appetizer and a memory to share. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that a donation be made in his name to the Bank of the San Juans in Pagosa Springs, Colo.