By Denny Rose
Special to The PREVIEW
All area women are invited to join the members of Mountain View Homemakers at the Extension Building at the fairgrounds at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 11, and bring a photo of their Mom with a printed sentence or two about her special influence on her daughter or daughters. The photos will be displayed for all to enjoy before and after the meeting.
A covered dish lunch will begin promptly at noon and be followed by a program about making freezer jams by Terry Schaaf of the Extension office. Even if we seldom cook, Terry will show us how to do wonderful fruit jams to enjoy or gift. Many of us have enjoyed other programs presented by Schaaf and are looking forward to hearing her again.
This will be the fourth program of Mountain View Homemaker’s 50th year. Each month, a different member or group of members will make a presentation of the type we assume the original members might have enjoyed, but updated for our lives today. Earlier programs this year have included a 50th-year retrospective of the club by historian Shirley Snider, manners and table settings for today by Cheryl Moore, growing and using herbs by Frances Wholf. Next month, there will be a question-and-answer session about raising veggies here in Pagosa by members Judy Dodd and Barb Draper.
Mountain View Homemakers Club endeavors to make our homes and our community better. Most months we meet at the Extension Building to hear an enlightening program. Once or twice a year, the group has a work day to make pillows and blankets or other needed items for use by babies, children or the elderly. Two fund-raisers each year — an auction in July, and the annual Holiday Bazaar in November — allow the club to help many local non-profits with a check.
There are no dues and visitors become members when they return for a second meeting. Visitors are not expected to bring a covered dish, and members can choose to pick up something at the supermarket if they choose to do so, rather than cook, or one could just come without a dish if providing one is not convenient.