Meeting sets goals for health department’s five-year plan

Staff Writer

SUN photo/Lindsey Bright

Molly Gutilla, health planner for the San Juan Basin Health Department, explains the top health concerns in Archuleta and La Plata counties during last week’s health summit. The meeting was held to identify the top two health concerns that should be priorities in the five-year Public Health Improvement Plan. The plan will be finished by the end of 2013. The top two concerns for the community, based on votes, were access to care and obesity.[/caption]

“Health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing that money cannot buy.” — Izaak Walton, 17th century English writer.

Health care is a sensitive topic. To ask questions about how to prioritize health care needs in a community is to ask people to think about their philosophy on life, what they value, what aspects of life they find most important, and then ask why.

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