Are you turning 65? Are you confused about Medicare? We have openings every Monday at the Senior Center to help you with your Medicare enrollment questions.
Please call 264-0501 to make an appointment with one of our talented and experienced Medicare counselors.
The San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging has a material aid grant to help family caregivers who are caring for an elderly person. If you are a family member who is caring for a person age 60 years of age or older, please call our Aging and Disability Resource Specialist, Chris Coffield, at 264-0501.
Coffield can help you and your loved one qualify for a material aid assistance grant, which can help pay for hearing aids, eye glasses, dentures, bridges, crowns and emergency response equipment, just to name a few. You get to choose a service provider and we can help pay up to $500 towards the bill.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.