Last year, after the Pagosa Springs Town Council conducted a series of retreats and work sessions to outline its goals and objectives, Town Manager Greg Schulte created a “to do” list of the things he and his staff would need to finish in order to help accomplish those goals.
Last week, Schulte asked for a special work session to offer the council a progress report for the items on this list.
Schulte began by talking about the town’s money, some of its certificates of deposit that mature in July, and explaining that one of the items on the agenda for the July 7 meeting will be to figure out how the town wants to invest its money.
But then Schulte paused and said, “Let me take a step back for a minute. When it comes to this,” he held up his copy of the “to do” list, “anything that is accomplished here is accomplished organization-wide. I really have to give kudos to the staff here, because I don’t do all this stuff. I mean, I do work, but it is the entire organization that is moving this stuff forward.”
Schulte then continued reading from his list, explaining all the projects each town department currently has on its plate, stopping occasionally to field individual questions from the councilors or to receive suggestions and input. In the end, the work session lasted just over two hours.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.