“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.” — George Jean Nathan.
Tuesday, April 8, is Election Day for the Town of Pagosa Springs.
Voters have some big decisions to make.
This is your opportunity to speak out about who you want to represent you on the town council. And for the first time in 36 years, we will have a new mayor. Your vote will decide who will lead our town for the next four years.
Voting is an important right in our society. By voting, you are making your voice heard and registering your opinion on how you think the government should operate. Enough voices in unison can elect someone to office, reaffirm or even change the course of our government.
Not only will you, as town voters, be able to select your local government representatives, but you will also have the ability to decide on Ballot Issue A, which would increase sales tax for a proposed recreation center.
If The SUN’s letters to the editor and online forums are indicators, the proposed recreation center is one of the most highly debated issues on a local ballot in years.
No matter how you feel about the issue, if you want your vote to matter, you actually have to cast that vote by returning your ballot no later than April 8 or it won’t count.
Also on the ballot, Question 1 allows you to choose whether or not to compensate your mayor and council members.
Ballot Question 2 asks you to amend the Town of Pagosa Springs Home Rule Charter to grant the municipal court authority to hear and try all matters arising under the charter, town ordinances and other enactments of the town.
We encourage voters to get familiar with your ballot, and cast your vote. If you haven’t received yours, you can review a sample ballot on page A17 of today’s paper.
You can’t vote without registering. To vote in the April 8 municipal election, you must be a registered voter and a resident of the Town of Pagosa Springs. You may register to vote up to and including the day of the election at the Archuleta County Clerk’s Office or the Town Hall. You may also register to vote on the Secretary of State’s website at www.govotecolorado.com.
This year, all ballots have been mailed to registered voters. Voters may return their ballots by mail or deliver them to Town Hall. If you do not receive your ballot in the mail by April 4, please go to Town Hall to receive a replacement ballot.
The Town Hall polling place, located at 551 Hot Springs Blvd., will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on April 8 for the election.
It’s time to take part and exercise your right to vote, and be sure to respect the rights of other voters, too.
Your vote can protect the financial stability of your community. Your voice, with many others, in unison, can change the direction of our community.
Don’t forget that there is power in numbers. When you vote and encourage others to vote, you can make a difference.
Your ballot has been mailed. Don’t procrastinate.
Make your vote count.
Don’t elect someone you didn’t vote for.
Terri Lynn Oldham House