Special to The SUN
La Plata Electric Association (LPEA), continuing its free information series designed to help members “save their energy,” will host a Lighting Technology Workshop, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., on Wednesday, June 25, at the Ross Aragon Community Center, 451 Hot Springs Blvd. All those interested in learning more about new lighting technology are invited to attend. An optional, complimentary lunch will be served at ProLine Supply in Pagosa following the workshop.
“Lighting technology — specifically LED lighting — continues to evolve, and there are so many options for homes and businesses,” said Ray Pierotti, project specialist who oversees lighting programs for LPEA. “We always want to help our members get the best value.”
LPEA has seen a significant return on investment for local businesses based on the amount of electricity (kW) reduced and the cost of the bulbs/installation, so the benefit is real, according to Pierotti.
“I’ve had people delay in installing LEDs because they’re ‘waiting’ for the ‘latest’ whatever, and at this juncture there is never going to be a ‘latest,’” said Pierotti. “These businesses and homeowners, by waiting have lost out on hundreds of dollars of savings on their electric bills.”
Helping LPEA’s members decide on which bulbs are best for them is at the core of the ongoing series of Lighting Technology Workshops. LPEA also offers a variety of lighting rebates for both residents and businesses, which helps mitigate the cost of changing out bulbs, and those options will be reviewed at the workshop.
As Pierotti notes, though the price for LEDs is dropping, the cost remains much higher than other lighting sources, so it pays for members to do their homework before purchasing.
Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to Pierotti, rpierotti@lpea.coop or 382-7770.