LPEA college scholarship application deadline March 1


By Indiana Reed

Special to The SUN

The deadline for high school seniors to apply for scholarships and awards available through La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) is Friday, March 1. Applications can be downloaded at www.lpea.coop.

All high school seniors in La Plata and Archuleta counties, including home school students, who receive their electricity from LPEA, are eligible to apply for the variety of funding opportunities.

LPEA directly offers the LPEA Scholarship (four-year) and LPEA/John Voelker Memorial Scholarship (two-year), per LPEA Board of Directors policies No. 411 and 416, plus provides for additional affiliated rural electric scholarships/awards offered by Tri-State Generation and Transmission and Basin Electric Power Cooperative.

Funds for the LPEA and LPEA/John Voelker Memorial Scholarships come from LPEA’s unclaimed Capital Credits. Each year, LPEA endeavors to find “missing” members who are due a share of retired Capital Credits. Those funds unable to be returned to members are then put back into the community — in this case, into college scholarships.

LPEA endeavors to train and educate local young people for positions they may ultimately secure at a rural electric cooperative, though this is not a requirement of the scholarships. Rural electric cooperatives are known nationally to provide stable employment, livable wages and solid benefit packages. LPEA is no exception and, with more than 100 employees, exists as one of the more significant employers in the region.

For further information and to download applications, visit www.lpea.coop or contact Jeannie Bennett at 382-3505, or jbennett@lpea.coop.