By Indiana Reed
Special to The PREVIEW
Election packets for those interested in running for a seat on the La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) Board of Directors will be available Monday, March 17, at LPEA offices in Durango and Pagosa Springs and online at
To be placed on the ballot, candidates must return completed petitions to either LPEA office by 1 p.m. on Monday, April 7. LPEA’s offices are located at 45 Stewart St., Durango (Bodo Industrial Park) and 603 S. 8th St., Pagosa Springs.
As per LPEA bylaws, one-third of the directors’ seats are up for election annually, one in each of LPEA’s four districts. Candidates are required to be permanent residents of the district they seek to represent, and be members-in-good-standing of the cooperative throughout their term in office.
Completed election petitions must contain 15 or more signatures from co-op members in a candidate’s district. A detailed map of LPEA’s voting districts is available on the cooperative’s website under “Your Co-op — Districts” and click on the map.
Directors are elected for three-year terms, and are not term-limited. Incumbent directors are Ken Fox (District 1 — Archuleta County), Davin Montoya (District 2 — south and west La Plata County), Jeff Berman (District 3 — City of Durango) and Joe Wheeling (District 4 — north and east La Plata County).
“LPEA is a cooperative, owned by and operated for the benefit of those who use its services,” said Greg Munro, LPEA CEO. “So, if you purchase your electricity from La Plata Electric, and haven’t opted out of membership, you are entitled to run for a director seat and join the board that determines company policy.”
Ballots will be mailed to the membership on Thursday, May 1, with results, tallied by an independent third party, announced at LPEA’s annual meeting set for Thursday, May 22, at the Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Durango.
The candidate packets contain additional election information and instructions, including copies of LPEA’s bylaws and board policies. Candidates with questions should contact Jeannie Bennett, 382-3505 or