Special to The PREVIEW
We at the library are excited to share the details of this fall’s Lifelong Learning lecture series.
As you may know, this twice-yearly series is free and requires no registration. The talks will be held at the Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library (811 San Juan Street) on Thursdays at 6 p.m., running from Oct. 16 through Nov. 20. There is quite a lineup and you’re sure to find talks of interest to you, so we hope you’ll continue your learning with us.
Starting the series this fall on Oct. 16 is John Porter, with a talk entitled “The Making of Lucky Henry Walker.” Hear the story of a Hurricane Katrina rescue dog named Henry and learn about the Ninth Ward of New Orleans nine years later. He’ll discuss disaster preparation and how pets affect our lives.
The following week, Oct.23, we’ll hear from Jean Strahlendorf, Ph.D., who will present “A Brainy Talk.” A return presenter, Jean will talk about chemical changes that happen in our brains that cause neurological disease, where they occur and how we can treat these disorders and enhance our brain functions. Learn more about basic brain function and consequences when brain chemistry misfires.
On Oct. 30, continue your Halloween spirit with our talk from our very own Julie Loar, who will present “Halloween Traditions Around the World.” Hear about celebrations and rituals around the world that honor the dead, from Japan to Mexico and Russia to South America.
Starting off November, we’ll hear from J.R. Ford on Nov. 6. His presentation, “Saving Southwest Forests,” will teach about forest restoration projects. Learn how we can protect the watershed, decrease wildfire risk, create local jobs and bring power to our homes through this process.
The Nov. 13 presentation is entitled “What Does God Look Like?” Hear from Leanne Goebel who will look at ancient and contemporary images of “god” around the world and across time, which have been on cave walls, in sculpted bone and ivory, carved into pottery and captured in photography.
Our final talk to close out this fall’s Lifelong Learning Lecture Series will happen on Nov. 20, and will be from Paula Watson. Watson is the director of WolfWood Refuge and will share her knowledge about wolves. The presentation, “Living and Working with Rescued Wolves,” will discuss how wolves have long suffered due to myth, ignorance, misinformation, cruelty and prejudice. Come and learn the truth about these animals, including their behavior, life cycles, communication skills and physical attributes.
We do hope that you’ll join us for many — or all — of these talks, which will be held at your Ruby Sisson Library, on Thursdays at 6 p.m., from Oct. 16 through Nov. 20. Please call us at 264-2209 with any questions or stop by for a visit. We hope to see you soon.