Taken from SUN files of
January 11, 1924
The town board of trustees met in regular session Monday night and passed on first reading the ordinance granting a franchise for 30 years to Grant Shields, owner of the New Light & Power Co. The ordinance appears elsewhere in this issue and will come up for final reading and adoption at the February meeting. In addition to the franchise the town board and Mr. Shields have entered into a tentative contract for entirely new street lighting in this city, and contract to extend for 15 years and also to be signed and entered into at the February meeting.
The new street lighting under the contract is to include 51 residence bracket type fixtures with 100-watt lamps, 2 alley type brackets with 75-watt lamps, and 7 decorative post standards on Pagosa street, between 4th and San Juan streets, with underground wiring and 200-watt lamps. Service is to extend all night from dusk to dawn.
The company is to install and maintain all street lighting fixtures at its own expense. The change is to be completed about Sept. 1st, and it is estimated that 50% more light will be obtained at an increase of only $15 per month.
Taken from SUN files of
January 14, 1949
County officials were sworn in on Tuesday of this week for the coming two year term. All officers at the Court House were re-elected in the last election and except for the County Commissioners are the same. On the board, Daily Hott, chairman, is a holdover, having served two years of a four year term. J.T. Chambers and Harmon T. Clark are the new members of the board and held their first meeting Tuesday.
The two retiring commissioners John Stevens and Chas. D. Pargin along with Mr. Hott have steered the county finances through a very successful period with the county now being entirely debt free and even having a cash reserve. This is unusual in the state of Colorado with Archuleta County being one of the counties that is not in debt for anything. The road department is in good shape with all equipment being in excellent condition and adequate for the county needs. Mr. Stevens served on the board for eight years and Mr. Pargin for four. Mr. Hott has completed ten years of public service and will be up for re-election at the next election.
Taken from SUN files of
January 10, 1974
Some gasoline in Pagosa Springs is now selling for 50¢ per gallon, the highest that any local resident can remember.
This price is for premium grade gas at most major oil company stations. There apparently isn’t any shortage of gasoline of any grade here, with no stations being forced to close because of shortages.
Insofar as the SUN has been able to ascertain, there have been no severe shortages of any fuel of any kind locally. Most service stations have been closing on Sundays and observing fewer hours of operation, but do have gasoline on hand.
Joe Manzanares has no rotary snowplow to help clean out his house after a small snow slide swept into it last Saturday. The slide came down off the shale bluff in South Pagosa, pushed in a door and window and filled the bathroom and part of the kitchen with snow.
Taken from SUN files of
January 14, 1999
Lynx are still coming to the San Juan Mountain, but no one is certain of the exact timing. Weather conditions in British Columbia are making lynx trapping a difficult task.
At the same time, folks opposed to the northern cat’s reintroduction by the Colorado Division of Wildlife misrepresented the facts in order to quash a petition in a Denver federal court that could have stopped the release. The same opponents vow to continue the fight by appealing the decision.
DOW spokesmen originally announced a Jan. 8 release date. That release time has been moved to Jan. 25, maybe later, according to Todd Malmsbury, DOW chief of information.
“They are having horrific ice storms in British Columbia,” Malmsbury said. “The traps are freezing. When lynx step on the trigger the traps don’t go off.”
As of Tuesday, six lynx had been trapped. The DOW schedule calls for the release of approximately 50 lynx in the Weminuche Wilderness Area this winter.
The first release site has been moved from private property in the Weminuche Valley north of Pagosa Springs to an unidentified private site northwest of South Fork,” according to Malmsbury.