Staff Writer
The Archuleta County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information on three recent burglaries.
Two of the burglaries occurred on the same street and are believed to be connected, while a third happened around the same time.
The first of the burglaries, which is not believed to be connected to the other two, was discovered shortly before 9 a.m. on Dec. 27, 2013, on Pike Drive, said Det. Jake Beach with the ACSO.
Shortly after the burglary was reported, Deputy Alvin Schaaf responded to a residence, where the caretaker noticed that one of the doors had been kicked in and items were missing, Beach explained.
An estimated $20,000 of merchandise was stolen from the house and garage, Beach noted.
That same day, a burglary involving a vacation home on Cortez Court, located in the Meadows subdivision, was discovered by the homeowner, Beach said.
That burglary was discovered at about 5 p.m., with the perpetrators gaining entry through a pried window, Beach said.
Firearms, clothing and household goods were taken, Beach indicated.
The following day as Beach and Cpl. Brandon Bishop were investigating the area, a second burglary on Cortez Court was discovered, with entry again gained through a pried window, Beach said.
That residence, a timeshare, was also damaged, Beach explained, with primarily electronics taken.
Beach said the Cortez Court burglaries are believed to be connected due to the method of gaining entry, and that he believes there are two or three suspects.
The burglars may have also stayed in the houses for one to two nights.
Anyone with information on these incidents or any others is asked to contact Archuleta Crime Stoppers by calling 264-2133, visiting, or by texting “ACCST” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES).
Beach can be contacted by calling 264-8430, ext. 1028.
To lessen the chances of burglary via window, Beach urged homeowners to be sure windows are locked and reinforced (such as with a dowel rod).