Special to The PREVIEW
The theme of Mountain View Homemakers’ February meeting is “My Favorite Things.” This program is back by popular demand because we’ve all had such a great time in the past as members shared favorite household tips, personal treasures, books and even recipes.
Be sure to bring something to share that is a big favorite with you. It can be an object, a cooking trick, something in technology or a novel way to use something. You are only limited by your imagination. However, please do not take more than a few minutes to describe your favorite thing. The program will begin after lunch.
We invite all area women to meet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 11, in the Extension center at the fairgrounds. There will be a covered dish lunch at noon. First-time visitors are not expected to bring food.
Mountain View Homemakers is a 50-year-old monthly gathering of area women who are interested in making their lives, the lives of their families and the community more enjoyable. The meetings include lunch and a speaker or activity.
At least one meeting each year is a hands-on community project and the July meeting is an auction/fundraiser.
There are no dues or membership requirements and every interested woman is welcome. We meet on the second Thursday of every month. Call Tozi at 731-3360 with questions.