By Tozi Rubin
Special to The PREVIEW
On Nov. 13, the Mountain View Homemakers Club will be distributing checks totaling $5,300 to 10 local nonprofit organizations. This total represents the proceeds earned from the club’s 2013 Holiday Bazaar.
This will truly be a Day of Thanksgiving for these charities, as well as for the club members who worked tirelessly to ensure a successful event.
No doubt many of you shopped at the Homemakers’ 2014 Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 1. The Community Center and parking areas were packed — a wonderful testament to the caliber of crafters and vendors who participated in the Bazaar, bake sale, silent auction and café.
Members and guests will gather at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 13 in the CSU Extension building to chat. Each member will bring a covered dish for the luncheon buffet and lunch will begin promptly at noon. Members and guests are all encouraged to bring their own place setting.
Next, the checks will be given to representatives of each of the 10 organizations voted by members to receive an equal portion of the $5,300 raised in 2013.
Mountain View Homemakers is a club dedicated to making our homes and our communities a better place. There is an interesting program at each monthly meeting. Once or twice a year, we have a work day to make items for babies, children and those in a nursing home or hospice, and our members volunteer during the year as needed.
Our December Christmas luncheon will include a special performance by the high school choir.
All area women are encouraged to come and join us. Visitors are not expected to bring a covered dish. There are no requirements or dues. When you come for the second time, you can bring a dish because then you’re a member. Please call 731-3360 with any questions.