By Tozi Rubin
Special to The PREVIEW
Dr. Richard Scott Anderson, DC, is a chiropractor here in Pagosa Springs with 34 years of experience. He has expertise dealing with neck pain, lower back pain, hip pain, scoliosis and spinal adjustment.
Anderson received his doctor of chiropractic degree in 1984. He also earned postgraduate degrees in orthopedics, sports injuries, and strength and conditioning.
Join the Homemakers at our next monthly meeting as Anderson discusses “Common Sense Approaches to a More Comfortable Life.”
We invite all area women to meet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 10, at the Community United Methodist Church on Lewis Street. We socialize before we enjoy a potluck lunch provided by members. First-time visitors are not expected to bring food.
Mountain View Homemakers is a 50-year-old monthly gathering of area women who are interested in making their lives, the lives of their families and the community as a whole more enjoyable. The meetings include lunch and a speaker or activity.
If you’ve wondered about who we are, come and see for yourself. We are a welcoming and friendly group, so this a wonderful opportunity to make new friends in the community.
We meet on the second Thursday of every month. There are no dues or membership requirements and every interested woman is welcome. No special skills are necessary. If you live in a home, you are a homemaker.
Call Tozi Rubin at 731-3360 with any questions.