By Denny Rose
Special to The PREVIEW
Mountain View Homemakers will meet on Thursday, May 9, at the Extension Building from 11:30 a.m. until approximately 2 p.m.
There will be a covered dish lunch at noon. Any woman interested in finding out more about the organization is welcome to attend and only members are expected to bring food.
This will be the fifth month in the Mountain View Homemakers 50th year celebration and, as in other months, members will provide the program in keeping with the type of meetings we think those original Homemakers held.
Member Tozi Rubin is a volunteer for the Chimney Rock Interpretative Association and will tell of its new and wonderful status — Chimney Rock is now a national monument.
Another member, Aileen Wolfer, will tell members about current recycling efforts in the Pagosa area, and what we can expect to be able to recycle in the future.
The Homemakers organization is a monthly gathering of women who are interested in making the lives of their families and their community more livable. The meetings include lunch and either enlightening speakers or a hands-on community project. One auction fund-raiser is held every summer and sponsoring the annual Holiday Bazaar results in a pool of money from which contributions to about a dozen local non-profit efforts are made.
There are no dues or membership requirements and every interested woman will be welcomed.