Health service district considers proposed budget


By Lindsey Bright

Staff Writer

The Upper San Juan Health Service District has a draft budget for 2013.

The budget hearing to approve the 2013 will take place until Dec. 11. Prior to the hearing, members of the finance committee will discuss and rework the proposed budget during the course of several meetings.

The total monies listed in the proposed 2013 budget is $2,465,659, with $1,473,370 in operating and $863,488 in bond funds. Accounts receivable are budgeted at $2,180,000, up from a forecasted $2,050,000 this year.

Fixed assets are budgeted for $12,970,667, with $110,000 designated for construction in progress.

Bond issuance costs, net, are budgeted at $541,629, down almost $30,000 from this year. The total assets are budgeted at $18,702,955.

Total current liabilities in the draft 2013 budget are $3,386,236, with the largest amount, $1.2 million, coming from deferred revenue. Long-term liabilities’ largest line item is Bonds Payable 2006 and 2007, budgeted at $10,315,000. The long-term liabilities total is $11,083,510.

Unrestricted net assets are listed at $3,867,007 with an additional $366,202 for the line item current year net income/loss.

That brings total liabilities and net assets for the 2013 draft budget to $18,702,995.

Net cash used in operating activities is budgeted at $2,596,354.  Net cash used in investing activities is budgeted at $2,260,000. Net cash used in financing activities is a negative $12,089.

Net increase in cash is budgeted at $324,265. Cash at the beginning of the year is budgeted at $2,141,394, up from $1,588,449 for this year. Cash at the end of the 2013 year is $2,465,659, an increase of $324,265.

The forecast for the 2013 fiscal year net patient revenue is $13,660,681. Outpatient revenue is forecast as $18,097,900.

Total operating expenses are forecast to be $14,362,890.  Salaries are forecast to be $7,475,390, with benefits at $1,426,300.  Professionals’ fees are forecast at $1,568,996. Supplies is forecast to be $1,500,475.

Operating revenue less expenses is forecast to be negative $702,209.

Nonoperating income, however, is forecast to be a total of $2,773,920. Total nonoperating expense is predicted to be $1,705,509.

This will make the total revenue, less total expenses, $366,202.

This tentative budget includes the assumptions that the Rural Health Center will grow business to 15,420 visits per year, an increase of 2,520 visits per year.

The USJHSD has also forecast an 8-percent increase in inpatient services, due to  cases seen by a new gynecological surgeon, with 84 new surgical cases for gynecological, orthopedic and breast surgeries. The overall, weighted volume increase is 11 percent. Infusion therapy has the largest forecast increase at 40 percent.