The Board of directors of the Upper San Juan Health Service district meets tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23, at 7 p.m. in the Pagosa Board Room, 95 South Pagosa Blvd.
Following is the agenda.
I. Call to order:
A. Quorum.
II. Milestone recognition — new providers in clinic.
III. Minutes.
A. March 26, 2013 — regular board meeting.
IV. Old business:
A. MRMC board update.
B. Dr. Mary Fisher Medical Foundation update.
C. Funding campaign update.
D. E.H.R. status update.
V. New business:
A. Oncology business plan.
VI. Administrative:
A. CEO report.
VII. Financial:
A. Finance Committee report and March financials.
VIII. Public comments .
IX. Executive session 24-6-402(4)(f) C.R.S. — credentialing.
A. Charlene Borja, D.O. — reappointment.
B. Eugenia Miller, M.D. — initial appointment.
C. Russell Bartt, M.D. — initial appointment.
D. John Mathers, M.D. — provisional to active.
X. Adjourn.