The board of directors of the Upper San Juan Health Service District will meet today, Tuesday, May 28, at 7 p.m. in the Pagosa Board Room, 95 South Pagosa Blvd.
Following is the agenda:
I. Call to order.
II. Milestone recognition — Dr. Jim Pruitt.
III. Minutes:
A. April 23, 2013 — regular board meeting.
IV. Old business:
A. MRMC board update.
B. Dr. Mary Medical Foundation update.
C. Development update.
D. E.H.R. Status update.
E. Chief of staff report.
V. New business:
A. Easement issues.
B. Hospital policies and procedures.
C. Medical staff bylaws.
D. Contracts.
VI. Administrative:
A. CEO Report and CDPHE site visits summary.
VII. Financial:
A. Finance Committee report and April financials.
VIII. Public comment.
IX. Executive session, 24-6-402(4)(f) C.R.S. — Personnel.
A. Emily Lampe, MD-initial appointment.
B. Ira Chang, MD — reappointment.
C. Jeffrey Wagner, MD — reappointment.
D. Christopher Fanale, MD — reappointment.
E. Dave Shaeffer, MD-reappointment.
F. John Cartier, MD — reappointment
G. Chad Gray, MD — reappointment.
H. Justin Farries, CRNA — reappointment.
I. Eric Meyer, MD — reappointment.
J. William Bentley, MD — provisional to consulting.
K. As needed, or requested by the board of directors, executive session for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions, matters to be kept confidential by federal or state law, or other matters as may be required and consistent with C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(a)-(h).
XI. Adjourn.