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Governor reappoints Waner to state’s Minority Business Advisory Council


Gov. Jared Polis reappointed Sherry Waner to a third term on the state’s Minority Business Office (MBO) Advisory Council on Jan. 3, offering the Pagosa Springs local a seat at the table focused on increasing economic opportunities for minority, veteran and women entrepreneurs across Colorado.

In an interview with The SUN, Waner reflected on her reappointment and spoke to the council’s role in supporting rural communities such as Pagosa Springs, where she’s made a home since 2001.

“Our role primarily is to oversee the Minority Business Office of Colorado and … provide feedback based on our real-life experiences and information from businesses that we work with in our communities,” Waner said.

She added, “Rural communities face very unique challenges that can be distinctly different from what you might see in a metropolitan area. I think it’s important for us to be voices and advocates for those communities and bring forth to the MBO the challenges that we’re seeing in real life in our communities so that they can contemplate what resources and tools they might be able to offer in support of ensuring the success of our minority-owned businesses, especially in our rural areas of the state.”

The MBO is situated within the state’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade, and offers databases and resources such as small business grant and loan opportunities, pathways to securing government contracts, advising services and more.

For Waner, who also serves as board president for the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation, the decision to accept another term was an easy one, she recalled.

“Absolutely,” said Waner. “It’s important for folks to get involved in whatever way, means, or level is appropriate for your circumstances as an individual. I think it’s important to give back to our communities in whatever ways folks see valuable.”

With her reappointment, Waner is set to serve on the advisory council through Jan. 31, 2027.