By Glenn Rutherford
Special to The SUN
On Saturday, Nov. 9, Drs. Glenn and Jordan Rutherford will open the doors of Pagosa Smiles to all of our veterans for free dental care.
“Our military veterans have given us so much, we would like to give back a little,” said Dr. Glenn.
All vets who bring their DD214 and military ID and sign in between 8 and 8:30 a.m. will be seen that day.
When asked how much treatment can be accomplished, Dr. Glenn replied, “As much as we can. It will depend on how many folks show up, but we will at least get an x-ray and treat the most pressing need.”
Dr. Jordan asked that all veterans bring a complete list of current medications to expedite filling out a health history. After signing in, patients will be given an estimate of the time they will be seen. Vets will be called in the order they signed in. If not present when called, the next name on the list will be called. If the vet comes in after they were called, their name will be inserted in the list after the last patient in the reception room.
The office of Pagosa Smiles is located off Piedra Road between Rio Grand Savings and Coyote Moon. Just look for the old red pickup.
Dr. Jordan reminded, “You must bring your DD214 and military ID and you must sign in between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Also, feel free to thank our staff as they have volunteered their time to make our veterans a little healthier. For the rest of you, don’t forget to thank a veteran for her or his services to our country.”