Fort Lewis College hosts conference on local food


By Mitchel Davis

Special to The SUN

On Friday, Feb. 22, and Saturday, Feb. 23, Fort Lewis College will host the fifth annual Homegrown Food Retreat in the Student Union Ballroom.

The event is free and open to the public, though donations are being accepted to support the program.

The Homegrown Food Retreat is sponsored by the Growing Partners of Southwest Colorado and aims to bring together food producers, buyers and consumers to discuss the present and future of locally-produced food.

On Friday, keynote speaker Steve Warshawer of La Montanita’s Cooperative Distribution Center will discuss local food distribution models throughout the Four Corners. The presentation begins at 7 p.m.

Saturday will feature workshops examining all aspects of local food access and distribution. Two meals will also be provided on Saturday: a taco bar from Zia Taqueria and lunch by Sodexo. The Saturday events run from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

For more information, visit