The San Juan National Forest will begin work in early October to realign one-half mile of the Piedra Road (Forest Road 631) about 14 miles up from the intersection of County Road 600 and U.S. 160 west of Pagosa Springs.
The project is expected to continue through December, weather permitting. The project will take place between the Piedra Road's southern intersection with the McManus Road (Forest Road 633) and the Piedra Overlook. In this section the current road has historically suffered slope instability, causing the road shoulder to slide and creating unsafe driving conditions.
No road closures are expected, but traffic delays of up to 30 minutes may be encountered by those driving through the realignment section during construction. The public may also encounter large trucks hauling aggregate materials to the site. Once the new section of road is complete, the existing section of road will be closed and reclaimed. Reclamation will involve removal of the old road surface, returning the surface to a natural contour and seeding with native grasses.
As usual, no parking is allowed on either side of the Piedra Road in this general area, and signs will be posted to that effect during hunting season.