For all the things moms do


SUN Columnist

Mother’s Day.

Where do I start?

Mom is always there — whether she is physically with you, on the other end of the phone, or with you in your heart.

She’s the one who holds your hand as you go off to that first scary day of school, tells you that you can only wear pants to school twice a week (times have changed), cleans the wound on your cheek when your bicycle pedal falls off and you go boom, teaches you to be kind and love all, even though they gossip and speak ill of you (bullying).

She’s there to teach you how to drive and does her best not to imbed her nails in the dashboard.

She teaches you to be an adventurer by taking the fork in the road to the right. She cares where it goes.

She holds your hand while you’re in labor and can’t believe the midwife sat right there on the bed in her blue jeans.

She’s there when your grandson is born and there when you go through scary medical issues.

Moms come in all shapes, sizes and personalities, but they’re our moms.

Mom, I love you with all my heart and I’m so glad you’re here with us. Meet my Mom, on Friday, May 10, as we celebrate Mother’s Day at The Den with a yummy chicken salad sandwich.

Just don’t ask her about my teen years!

Special thanks

Sheryl, Diana, Beverly and Jackie — thank you for your offer to volunteer at the check-in desk during the lunch hour. Your help is appreciated while we’re short staffed.

Medicare 101

If you missed us in April, catch us Tuesday, May 14 , at 10:30 a.m. at the Ruby Sisson Library.

Are you new to Medicare and lost or confused by all the literature you have received? Do you know the portions you need to enroll in, A, B, C or D? What the heck are all those letters anyway?

Well, we have the answers for you at Medicare 101.

Medicare 101 is for those who are new to Medicare or about to venture into the new world of Medicare. Call 264-2167 to reserve a seat.

AARP Driver Safety

AARP Driver Safety is offering a nationwide DMV accredited driver safety class designed to help drivers 50 and older recognize and compensate for naturally occurring age-related changes that can affect driving.

The State of Colorado has approved a significant auto insurance discount for students age 55 and older.  Check with your insurance agent for the exact discount; savings vary by insurance carrier, vehicle and coverage selected.

The class certificate is good for three years.

Cost for  AARP members is $12, non-members pay $14.   This one-day course is being offered Thursday, May 23, from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at The Den, 451 Hot Springs Blvd. Call Lois O’Dell to register, 259-5589.

Weekly activities 

Friday, May 10 — 10 a.m. Stitchin’ in the Kitchen; 12:30 p.m. gym walk.

Monday, May 13 — 12:30 p.m. Gym walk.

Tuesday, May 14 — 10:30 a.m. Medicare 101, Ruby Sisson Library, registration required; 12:30 p.m. gym walk; 1 p.m. Meditation for Healing.

Wednesday, May 15 — 1 p.m. Hand and Foot card game.

Thursday, May 16 — Medicare counseling, by appointment.

Friday, May 17 —10 a.m. Stitchin’ in the Kitchen; 10:30 a.m. brain injury support group; 12:30 p.m. gym walk.

Cafe Fox menu

All meals include our great salad bar.

Friday, May 10 — Chicken salad with orzo on cantaloupe, bran muffin, tossed salad, raisin nut cup, coconut cream pie.

Monday, May 13 — Lemon baked fish, oven browned potatoes, peas and carrots, tossed salad, whole wheat roll, vanilla ice cream with strawberries and bananas.

Tuesday, May 14 — Roast pork with gravy, baked apple, orange quarter, whipped potatoes, California veggies, raisin nut cup, whole wheat roll.

Wednesday, May 15 — Vegetable soup with roast beef sandwich, fresh orange, Waldorf salad, crackers.

Thursday, May 16 — Closed, administrative day.

Friday, May 17 — Hamburger, roasted sweet potatoes, tossed salad, fruit salad with citrus, peanut butter cookie.

Reservations are required by 9 a.m. the morning of the day you would like to dine at Cafe Fox. You can make your reservation up to one week in advance, through our website at, at select departments, at the Senior Center or by calling 264-2167.

Suggested donation for older adults age 60 plus is $4, guests $6. Our meal program is partially funded through the Older Americans Act via the San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging, United Way, Archuleta County, Town of Pagosa Springs and other individual donations and grants. These funds help support the cost of the meal which is approximately $12.85. Please note our menu is subject to change. The salad bar opens at 11:30 a.m. with lunch served from noon to 12:30 p.m.