By Casey Crow
and Randi Pierce
Staff Writers
On June 2, Justin Cowan was appointed principal of Pagosa Springs Elementary School. Following a selection process that began immediately after Cowan’s selection, Laura Mijares was chosen to complete the new leadership team at the school.
Both hires were made official at the June 9 meeting of the Archuleta School District Board of Education as part of the consent agenda, which was approved unanimously.
“Welcome, and we’re really happy to have both of you on the team,” ASD Superintendent Linda Reed stated after the consent agenda was approved.
Mijares will be leaving her position as the program manager for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Archuleta County to join Cowan as the new assistant principal at PSES.
Leading up to her appointment, Mijares was interviewed by a team of 10 elementary school staff members, two parents and Cowan. From the original pool, six applicants were chosen for interviews.
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