Special to The PREVIEW
When a person doesn’t like something on a national level, how many times have you heard them say, “Well, what can you do about it anyway?” There is something you can do right now — you can join the Earth Community at Pagosa Springs action committee.
In the next week, we will be flooding Pagosa with petitions for our two senators, worded in a way that will make them listen. The “Dark Act,” which has the purpose of keeping us in the dark about our food being genetically modified, is sitting in the Senate on the Agriculture Committee with no vote scheduled. One of our senators will be voting to keep us “in the dark” and our other senator is “undecided.” Both senators will receive our petitions. This is just one action we are planning.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.