With three positions open on the Archuleta School District (ASD)board and only two petitions submitted, we pondered why someone would want to serve as a director.
We surveyed community members, including current school board directors; following are some of their responses.
Why should someone run for our school board?
• There is a need for capable volunteers to steward public education.
• Help direct the education system in Pagosa Springs.
• Community service.
• Bring impactful discussion and decision making to the board.
What type of person makes a good school board member?
• Student culture has changed over time. Someone who thinks what was good in the ‘50s is applicable today is not who you want on the board.
• Someone with knowledge of technology and how students get information.
• Someone with business sense and business innovation.
• Someone with time to understand this district and the challenges that public education faces. Time to research and contemplate traditional and innovative practices. Time to familiarize yourself and develop some acumen to make a contribution to the budget process.
• Someone with confidence and ability to pose a question or present an idea that is new, unpopular or controversial. Strength to challenge the status quo, the traditions of this district and of public education in general.
The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.