Pagosa’s spring season has been, at times, a bit of a head-scratcher, lacking overall moisture and a constant warming sun. Without any immediate improvement, it will end as a relative disappointment. But, that is mountain living, right?
As Forest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”
What has not been a disappointment is the women’s Bible study that has flourished for women of all ages in the county, from all the churches, including those currently without a church home, and those curious about the Christian faith.
The Countywide Women’s Bible Study isn’t denominational where one belief-system is taught. It encompasses various evangelical/charismatic views of interpretation so that all can hear, ponder, and share their thoughts and opinions. Vibrant sharing enriches all; they see additional clarity to a verse or passage. This enhances Christian unity — a win-win for all.
For some time, the world has been on pins and needles regarding the Middle East. Even though much anxiety and news has subsided, many are still perplexed at what is really happening. Many minds turn to the Book of Revelation for solace, but get bogged down with verses not appearing to make any sense. But, it can be an eye-opener to find out that there are several interpretations of Revelation, not just one. Each view has truths to share and it brings added understanding to the Body of Christ.
With this in mind, the women’s study is now returning to Revelation for a second time at the request of the ladies, a refresher for many and a new study topic for others that are new attendees.
Please note, there aren’t any complicated charts, books or a syllabus to buy. The studies are always free. If you wish, you can just quietly listen, ask bold questions or share something that is on your heart.
‘Bert Counsell has been the group’s gregarious guide for more than 10 years. When she felt the Lord’s call to become a women’s pastor, more than 30 years ago, she developed a passion to always seek what appears complicated and make it easy to comprehend.
Imagine confusion or little understanding of a certain verse that can become so clear and understandable.
Counsell loves to unearth solid biblical truths that may appear overlooked or muddied by others. In short, the studies are never boring, stale or discombobulated.
It is so refreshing, exhilarating and joyful to have Bible passages opened to show how they relate to one another. Candles of thought expand to 1,000-watt LED light bulbs. It is so exciting to have taken a deeper, yet simpler, tour of the Bible.
Counsell holds an active ordination with a worldwide evangelical organization currently encompassing 5,150 churches in 126 countries. Lectures are not Counsell’s style; she loves feedback, questions, opinions and lots of laughter.
The women meet Tuesday mornings in Grace in Pagosa’s comfortable fellowship hall from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The church address is 1044 Park Ave., near the Rec Center. All are welcome for fun, chitchat, and interesting studies in God’s Word. Counsell and the “gang” hope to see you and make new friends.