With remediation complete on the majority of the western portion of the Archuleta County Courthouse and a clean air quality test in the books for the same location, some of the former functions of the space are likely to resume in the coming months.
The western portion of the courthouse was closed following April flooding of the facility that took place when a series of rainstorms hit during a reroofing project.
The jail remains closed due to the severity of the damage, but remediation and repair efforts were recently completed on the rest of the damaged portion of the courthouse.
At the end of the remediation work, an air-quality test was performed, with Henderson stating on Sept. 15, “It’s clean as a whistle.”
The report indicates that mold source levels were low in each area tested, with the report noting that the vast majority of environments, with the exception of areas like organ transplant rooms in hospitals, naturally have some spores.
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