By Lynne Vickerstaff
Special to The SUN
Need things repaired through a reliable company like richtek but can’t afford them? Heating and electrical bills overwhelming?
Please join Pagosa Housing Partners on Monday, Dec. 9, from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. for a community discussion on weatherization and home repairs at the Community United Methodist Church at 434 Lewis St.
Many programs exist to help citizens in our community with these pressing issues.
Proper weatherization helps to save on energy costs. Residents can receive a free energy-saving audit and rebates to create a more comfortable, energy-efficient home. Participants in the program will receive advice on air sealing, attic insulation, crawlspace insulation, efficient showerheads and appliances, high-efficiency furnaces, hot water heaters, windows and more.
Qualified 80 percent area median income and under residents will meet an authorized and experienced CARE energy adviser who will visit the home to advise and install free energy-efficient products, assess the property for major efficiency opportunities and educate homeowners on their energy usage. Once the adviser has completed their assessment, they will coordinate with local contractors to install the most cost-effective efficiency measures in the home.
Through the Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) program, low-income homeowners impacted by age, disability and family circumstances who struggle with home maintenance projects receive an opportunity to reclaim their homes.
NHN is an interior/exterior home preservation service that offers painting, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, weatherstripping and minor repair services for homeowners in need. Also, if you are willing to be that neighbor volunteer, please join us to learn how you can help members of our community in need.
We will also hear about wells, water and waste systems. Programs available to help finance a portion of the investment costs will be discussed.
Guest speakers include:
• Molly Morris — program manager for 4CORE.
• Marisa Felix-Campbell — Housing Resources of Western Colorado.
• Marcy Child — weatherization program director, Habitat Archuleta.
• Lori Hendrickson — executive director Habitat for Humanity.
• Nancy Jacobsen — Rural Community Assistance Partnership.
Visit our website at for more information on many other housing topics and resources.