By Casey Crow
Staff Writer
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is now requiring that all public water stations remove common hoses.
The newly enforced regulations have been instated to avoid cross-contamination between users’ water tanks.
Beginning Sept. 1, all those who use either the Buttercup Water Depot in Aspen Springs or the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) water stations on Trails Boulevard and 1st Street will be required to supply their own water hoses.
PAWSD and the Aspen Springs Metro District will begin enforcing the regulation on the Sept. 1 deadline.
The water stations will be supplied with a 2-inch male cam-lock fitting at each fill station, but customers must supply their own 2-inch female cam-lock fitting in order to fill their water containers. These fittings are available for purchase locally.
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