Collaboration is common sense in Colorado


Last month, Sen. Cory Gardner and I teamed up for our first inaugural Colorado Wheat Tour on Colorado’s Eastern Plains — a place Gardner calls home. The tour was sponsored by the Colorado Association of Wheat Growers and Gardner’s hospitality gave us a great opportunity to meet with rural Coloradans.

From the Country Steak-out in Fort Morgan to the Colorado Highland Wind Project in Fleming and the Anderson wheat farm in Haxtun, we had the chance to discuss a number of issues important to rural communities, including the Farm Bill, trade and economic development.

While we didn’t agree on every issue, the common theme we heard at each stop was how refreshing it is to see a Democrat and a Republican working together. The tour proved what people in Colorado already know: there is plenty of common ground for both parties to get things done. Compare that to Washington, where the politics are notoriously divided and dysfunctional, and the last Congress was the least productive in history.

The full version of this story is available in the print edition and e-edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Subscribe today by calling (970)264-2100 or click here.